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SmartBlock User Guide

Basically, the SmartBlock program works in three modes:

  • Black List
    All contacts in Black List are blocked (individual contact settings apply); all contacts NOT in Black List go through.
  • White List
    All contacts in White List go through (individual contact settings apply); all contacts NOT in White List are blocked.
  • Meeting
    All incoming calls are blocked, and you may use the auto-sms-answer-machine to auto reply the blocked caller that you are currently busy, and cannot answer the call.

The two 'Block' checkboxes in the main screen are global switches to enable/disable blocking incoming call and SMS, either in Black or White List mode. Note: they do NOT mean blocking every incoming call and SMS.

Here’s real user case:

"I am on the companies call list in case the alarm goes off, and i want the phone to ring when they call, but all other calls/sounds between let's say 11pm till 7am should be silent.. what is the simplest way to configure this..."

It can easily be done in SmartBlock by just settings two Black List items!

  1. Launch SmartBlock.
  2. Select 'Black List', and tick both 'Incoming Call' and 'Incoming SMS' in the main screen.
  3. Open 'Menu/Black List', then 'Menu/New'.
  4. Name the new item, 'Block ALL 11-7' for example.
  5. Insert '*' (the star character, without quotes) in the 'Phone' field.
  6. Tick 'Block Incoming Call' and 'Block Incoming SMS'.
  7. Set the 'Start Time' (11pm) and the 'End Time' (7am) and press OK.
  8. Still in 'Black List', select 'Menu/New'.
  9. Name the new item, 'Allow Company 11-7' for example.
  10. Insert the company number (the number displays on the phone when company calls) in the 'Phone' field.
  11. UNTICK 'Block Incoming Call' and 'Block Incoming SMS'.
  12. Set the 'Start Time' (11pm) and the 'End Time' (7am) and press OK.
  13. Press OK again to close the 'Black list', then 'Done' to save the settings.

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